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August 2019


The Value of “Solar + DER” Combinations

Much has been written about the value of solar PV generation, but less so about the added value of combining solar with other distributed energy resources. In a new paper out today, RAP explores ways that key parties – regulators, utilities and system operators, and DER owners and aggregators – can help ensure that this value is captured and compensated. Co-authors John Shenot and Dr. Carl Linvill will explore this topic further in a webinar on September 10.



Communities Pair Solar and Electrification

Communities and utilities working to expand solar energy are finding it makes sense to electrify new end uses at the same time. In a paper written for the SolSmart initiative, Dr. Carl Linvill and Joni Sliger examine cases from around the country where the value of solar-powered beneficial electrification is being recognized. Dr. Linvill will present this paper in September at the SolarPower International event in Salt Lake City.



EVs Are a Lot Like Water Heaters – Really!

For those worried that EVs will add difficult and expensive load to the power grid, Jim Lazar offers a soothing comparison to a more familiar electric appliance: water heaters. EVs and water heaters have similar usage levels and patterns, and in both cases, their usage can be controlled and shifted into hours best suited to making the grid run cheaper and cleaner.



Paying Our Way Out of Purgatory

Earlier this summer, Pope Francis announced his support for carbon pricing as “essential” to slowing climate change. Louise Sunderland writes that strategic use of the revenue generated by such a tax is equally vital, however. Otherwise, the results will fall short on efficiency and cost terms.



Grid Modernization and Utility Business Models

At a Clean Energy Legislative Academy in Breckenridge, Colorado, Janine Migden-Ostrander co-presented on grid modernization and the part that state legislators can play in advancing it.

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Key Regulatory Considerations for TCI

​​In a webinar hosted by the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization, Nancy Seidman explored important regulatory considerations to help guide states participating in the Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI).

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